Wholesale Flowers Vancouver

How it works

Prices can vary based on seasonality and availability - request a quote and we will get back to you with the price. By checking individually, you know you are always getting the lowest cost.

We're so confident our prices will be the lowest that we encourage you to shop around and compare us with your local flower shop!

We keep things simple compared to flower shops and as a result have low overhead costs.

  1. We source directly from the grower
  2. We offer pick up only so there are no additional costs to pack & deliver.
  3. We have an order minimum
  4. We only sell flowers & greenery by the bunch

To provide wholesale prices, the minimum to order through us is $200.

Our pick up location is 20120 Stewart Cres in Maple Ridge. Detailed pick up instructions will be sent your way after your order is placed.

7 days Minimum. If you want to place an order for sooner, we may be able to accommodate. Please email us hello@wholesaleflowersvancouver.com

Click the "Get quote" link and fill out all of the information. We will get back to you within 24 hours with pricing details!

Yes we do, please contact us with more details!

Get started

Click below to get a quote! Need some help? Contact us!